
TradeNeXus CLSTradeMonitor integrates CLSSettlement status information into the TradeNeXus application to provide consolidated monitoring and linking of trade information and audit trail to provide a holistic view for easier query resolution.


TradeNeXus is among the first post-trade services to collaborate with CLS to integrate CLSTradeMonitor. This services provides clients with increased transparency to better manage their settlement risk.

The challenge for asset managers

Where asset managers are settling using CLS, they are reliant on their Custodians to submit their transactions and to receive status updates. Often times this entails contacting each custodian separately or accessing different systems. This makes it challenging for asset managers to: get a single view of all of their transactions across accounts with different Custodians, creating manual, labor-intensive processes to monitor multiple systems to confirm safe settlement and potential overdrafts for failed payments.


TradeNeXus has collaborated with CLS to integrate CLSTradeMonitor information directly into it’s application. This provides asset managers with a complete view of all CLSSettlement statuses across custodians allowing for easier monitoring alongside other TradeNeXus post-trade services such as matching and clearing.


  • Consolidated CLSSettlement status across accounts and custodians

  • Increased transparency allowing for quicker identification of potential settlement issues

  • Embedded CLSTradeMonitor status directly within the TradeNeXus centralized dashboard allows monitoring alongside other post-trade processes


  • TradeNeXus will continuously receive updates from CLS providing users with the latest CLSSettlement status

  • Counterparty alleged transactions are included to allow for monitoring of missing or late submissions

  • Provides full audit trail and timeline of all CLS trade instructions within the TradeNeXus application

  • Embedded CLSTradeMonitor trade queue for drill down and query filtering

  • CLSSettlement information incorporated with trade confirmation details and timestamps to facilitate investigation into any issues

Other Services

  • Clearing Connectivity

    TradeNeXus Clearing Connectivity service provides asset managers with an integrated workflow from clearing determination, sending for central clearing, status monitoring to cleared custodial SWIFT messaging.

  • Trade Optimization

    Providing asset managers with access to identify optimization opportunities, automate their compression and novation workflows, and consolidated monitoring.